may the glorious Light from God falls on the weary, the depressed, the tired, the sick and every sentient beings that need it.....may the mercy and love of GOD be felt. AMEN!!
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Jul 2008
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the plights of LTS's poor whinner
i hate those whinners meeting but bo bian. since my li'l brother the patiently good listener LEETAHSAR called for it, must give face and attend. gosh!! hardly had i anticipated how unfortunate one whinner could get.
he was posted to china to work as chief in a factory overseeing about 100+ prcs. biz was bad. now it got worst. the factory closed. he was retrenched and tht was after almost a year of reduced pay. but now jobless, he returned to sgp.
it was sad news that his younger rich sister was inflicted with brain cancer. i tot years back she was already cured and the cancer was in remission. so we were there. and so he whined: "ya, she was ok then. but everytime the school exams come, she excited and stressed. little did she expect the cancer came alive again." he was quite dejected but he continued, "this time it was worst, it spreads to the lymph nodes and then her liver also kena. jialat! dr said it was ok liao so she wasn't suspicious the cancer could come back...and now it progressed into advanced terminal stage...."
a deafening silence settled around us. a drop of tear flowed from his corner of the eye. but we heard sobbing from the sily goon leetahsar. shit! he was too emotional!!
the sllly goon broke the silence and asked him, "how's your mum then? last yr u just lost your old man....and now ur sister. it's a terrible blow to your poor old mum!" the whiner's sis passed away last week. he kept it private and none of the whinners club knew about it until now.
"what to do?" he lamented, "i m suppose to go back china a few days but gotta postpone and stay put to settle everything before i leave for the new job interview. if i miss that...that's it!" he sighed
the kaypoh LTS offered, "can i go back with u later to counsel your poor mum?"
whiner: thanks...but i dun think it could help much....she's now in a start of blankness. she so devastated that now she's certified fully senile....she can't even recognise us her children any more.....
this time he wept openly. silence again...except LTS went to him and hugged him patting his shoulder. the silly goon wept with him.
whiner: bob, could u do me a favour?....
LTS: yes, anything....whatever. shoot.
whiner: could u bring me to the buddhist temple? help n teach me to chant a sutra for my dead sister...and help me to pray for my mum's health?
LTS: sure! i was about to suggest that to u...and pls, allow me to chant one for ur fortune too.....u must be strong as your family now depends all upon u. u mustn't weaken. sure, let's do that before u leave for china.
what could we do beside supporting the silly goon LTS? yep!! we obliged him and would be following him to chant in the temple before our poor whinner pal left for china....that's the least we could have helped him.
i ve just learned from this episode sometime even with all the money u possess, u can't even use it to save a life. but with the inner compassion we possess, we could provide something more valuable than money could buy.
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