i ve been to churches. i ve been to temples. one thing i realise they are all about the same: trying to be holier than the one next to you :(
in church, i witnessed christians raising their hands during praying or singing in an "act to receive the holy spirit." as if raising the hands wasn't enough, some uplifted hands started to shake and spasm quite violently. and if that wasn't still enough to prove holier to you, some would start jumping up and now or jerking spasmodically in their seats. scary? yep, very to me. and wait till they have another phenomena: speaking in tongue. during prayer, aome holier christians would "speak in tongue" which was a kind of "spiritual" prayer to God. i would feel very uncomfortable. if it was just a holier than thou syndrome, that'd be fine. but what if the talking were from/to another entity other than God Himself? brrr! that would be really creepy and freak me out!
anyway, if humans couldn't understand, how would the tongue speakers know God would?? perhaps being holier is really meant to be able to communicate with God or just being holier than thou. that thou would be me the blur one awed with disbelief.
it was like a scene from the EXORCIST. does that spiritually prove to be the manifestation of the holy spirit or just a pure unholiness of trying to be holier than thou?
emptiness is form; form is emptiness. i wonder....
back in the buddhist temple having my weekly dharma classes, a quite similar sight could be behold. buddhists pray to BUDDHA. the statute is a representative image only and not a worship to an idol. it's suppose to invoke the buddhahood seed in everyone of us when praying respect.
BUDDHA isn't a god. he was rather an enlightened man and a great teacher teaching us how to live happily, to bring forth our buddha nature and to be compassionate to all sentient beings - not just humans but animals, every living things and even spirits included.
so we pray to the buddha. in my most basic of praying like what sifu taught is just a simple clasped hands, a humble sincere bow and a mindful thought about the buddha. usually in 3 bows: 1 for the buddha, 1 for the dharma and 1 for the sangha. another extra bow would be to each other in the class in the hope of achieving buddhahood for each other.
it's all that simple. well, at least to me. i m a pure "simpleton" and that's why i like buddhism cos in my impression it's the simplest religion to follow teaching one how to lead a happy simple life and do good. (forget about being a buddha first. just follow the DO GOOD part and the rest shall fall nicely and rightly in place.)
a simple praying is now like being exaggerated to "patterns more than badminton" like a full postrating - all the way down to the belly. it goes like this: clasp hands, bow, kneel, bow with outstretched hand (there's a unique pattern even to that) and stretch straight on the stomach and form a figure 1 (this last stance very prominent in tibetan buddhism), then up and repeat 3 times.
here's the catch: i ve a terrible chronic backache, doing that is quite awkard. then what about the aged, the sicked and the handicapped?
to me, those are really exaggeration. another holier than thou public expression. i might be quite skeptical but i always believe BUDDHA IS WITHIN US and GOD IS ALSO WITHIN US. it's a intimate relation between i and buddha or god. there's no need to public express it to show that "i m holier than thou" which usually more aptly become unholier and hypocritical.
sadhu, sadhu....
emptiness is form; form is emptiness...
you see it holy; it could be seen unholy.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Minority owners say NUS should not follow majority in en bloc sale - Channel NewsAsia
Minority owners say NUS should not follow majority in en bloc sale - Channel NewsAsia
Singapore News
Minority owners say NUS should not follow majority in en bloc sale
By Loh Chee Kong, TODAY | Posted: 22 December 2007 0928 hrs
Photos 1 of 1
Gillman Heights
SINGAPORE: It has remained silent — and passive — in the protracted saga over the proposed sale of Gillman Heights to developer CapitaLand for $528 million.
But now, the National University of Singapore (NUS) finds fingers pointing at it after the Strata Titles Board (STB) approved the deal on Friday.
The biggest faction opposed to the deal, comprising 53 of the 76 minority owners, told TODAY they would appeal against the STB's decision, and chief among their grouses is the NUS' role in the en bloc process.
The university owns almost half of the estate's 608 units, which it rents out to its academic staff.
Said one minority owner: "We are very unhappy and very disappointed with the result. NUS was pressurised by the majority owners to agree to the en bloc sale."
In its grounds of decision, the STB said that it was "very mindful" that the NUS was the single majority owner.
Throughout the sale, the NUS stuck to its original position that it would not take part in the proceedings other than agreeing to abide by the majority decision of the remaining owners, the STB noted. It also ruled that the majority owners had "acted properly" in dealing with the NUS.
However, even after the ruling, some of the minority owners insisted that the NUS should not have followed the decision to sell, based on a simple majority. Instead, it should only do so when at least 80 per cent of the remaining owners agreed to the sale, they argued.
Today understands that the NUS signed the Collective Sale Agreement in June last year, after some 70 per cent of the remaining owners did so.
The university could not be reached for comment at press time.
But Lee & Lee senior partner Quek Mong Hua, who represented the majority owners, said: "There's no reason why NUS should not support the en bloc sale when a big majority of the other owners want the deal."
The STB also had strong words for one of the valuation reports — prepared by a former chief valuer for Overseas Union Bank, Mr Yick Keng Hang — put up by the minority owners. The report revised the value of Gillman Heights from $580 million to $660 million within seven months.
The board, which rejected Mr Yick's evidence, said in its ruling: "Yick had shown himself to be given to hyperbole. A review of his evidence would show that he was shifty and self-serving whenever it suited him."
Launched in February last year, the en bloc sale process — which eventually garnered 86.7-per-cent consent — has been dogged by several controversies, including a dispute over the level of consent needed for the sale to go through.
Barring any appeal, the sale committee has three months to complete the deal.
Sale committee chairman Robert Wiener was "relieved" at the decision.
But he added: "Obviously, we would be happier if we could get our money earlier, what with property prices going through the roof."
Singapore News
Minority owners say NUS should not follow majority in en bloc sale
By Loh Chee Kong, TODAY | Posted: 22 December 2007 0928 hrs
Photos 1 of 1
Gillman Heights
SINGAPORE: It has remained silent — and passive — in the protracted saga over the proposed sale of Gillman Heights to developer CapitaLand for $528 million.
But now, the National University of Singapore (NUS) finds fingers pointing at it after the Strata Titles Board (STB) approved the deal on Friday.
The biggest faction opposed to the deal, comprising 53 of the 76 minority owners, told TODAY they would appeal against the STB's decision, and chief among their grouses is the NUS' role in the en bloc process.
The university owns almost half of the estate's 608 units, which it rents out to its academic staff.
Said one minority owner: "We are very unhappy and very disappointed with the result. NUS was pressurised by the majority owners to agree to the en bloc sale."
In its grounds of decision, the STB said that it was "very mindful" that the NUS was the single majority owner.
Throughout the sale, the NUS stuck to its original position that it would not take part in the proceedings other than agreeing to abide by the majority decision of the remaining owners, the STB noted. It also ruled that the majority owners had "acted properly" in dealing with the NUS.
However, even after the ruling, some of the minority owners insisted that the NUS should not have followed the decision to sell, based on a simple majority. Instead, it should only do so when at least 80 per cent of the remaining owners agreed to the sale, they argued.
Today understands that the NUS signed the Collective Sale Agreement in June last year, after some 70 per cent of the remaining owners did so.
The university could not be reached for comment at press time.
But Lee & Lee senior partner Quek Mong Hua, who represented the majority owners, said: "There's no reason why NUS should not support the en bloc sale when a big majority of the other owners want the deal."
The STB also had strong words for one of the valuation reports — prepared by a former chief valuer for Overseas Union Bank, Mr Yick Keng Hang — put up by the minority owners. The report revised the value of Gillman Heights from $580 million to $660 million within seven months.
The board, which rejected Mr Yick's evidence, said in its ruling: "Yick had shown himself to be given to hyperbole. A review of his evidence would show that he was shifty and self-serving whenever it suited him."
Launched in February last year, the en bloc sale process — which eventually garnered 86.7-per-cent consent — has been dogged by several controversies, including a dispute over the level of consent needed for the sale to go through.
Barring any appeal, the sale committee has three months to complete the deal.
Sale committee chairman Robert Wiener was "relieved" at the decision.
But he added: "Obviously, we would be happier if we could get our money earlier, what with property prices going through the roof."
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
maybe this would stablise hdb crazy prices
most singaporeans are asset rich but cash poor. why? our cpfs which are meant to fend for retirement and twiligiht years were craftily zapped up by ridiculously high priced hdb pigeonholes. talking about gov subsidised flats....what a big joke and a big con job!
why does gov clueless to bring down prices? they can if they want and they don't if they want too. let's talk about the don'ts.
hdb prices are like a pandora box. once opened, it's very difficult to close and hdb prices go haywire to absolute craze and frenziness. those who ve bought greed for it to go higher; those who haven't pray for it to drop or at least stablise and halt at the last price.
so there u have it: the gov is CLUELESS to resolve the problem which it didn't nip in the beginning. if they stop the prices from rising, new owners of exorbitant pigeonholes shall definitely be unhappy and they shall make lots of noise. conversely, leaving the prices to run wild (or is it the gov behind fanning the madness?), those who haven't owned a pigeonhole - the new generation planning for a new family of their own - are put into a dilemma.
then what happen to all our cpfs? are the life savings still there when twilight years are reached? NO! absolutely not!! what's there is an overpriced "subsidised" gov pigeonhole which price is getting higher but size is getting smaller.
million dollars paid minister seems clueless. well, perhaps my suggestion may come in handy.
once a family bought a flat and after staying some years decide to
sell, the only buyer would be buying back is the gov. then the gov resells it adding a nominal processing and legal fees. no obscene profits involved, hence no more speculation and easy money made. of course, such would only be restricted to purely singaporeans. no PRs'entitlements to such non-profitable transaction.
most of our cpf money would still be tied down by the pigeonhole. here's a simple solution.
gov should build smaller and cheaper flats for home owners to consider when they age. example: if mr A now at 36yo sets up family with 2 kids and 20 or 30 yrs later, his kids would ve grown, married and resettled in newly hdbs or remain single or most probably mr A would be left living with his wife. if he is living in a 5 or 4 rooms flats, by then, the flat would be too excessive to him. he could consider an exchange program with hdb. he sells his flats to hdb, get back the money he used from cpfs and buy a smaller "senior-folk-flats" from hdb. SFF unit would be smaller and much cheaper with shorter lease of say, 30yrs. hdb deducts the amount from the sale price, refund mr A who would then be financially independent with the cpf money to live on.
in the event of both couple passed on, the SFF should be resold to HDB to be recycled to the next qualified senior folks. the money derived from SFF should then be refund to the children of the demised mr A.
this could probably also solve the greying problem of singapore and put a full stop to crazy hdb flats speculation. of course, the finer details, the minister would ve to work it out. he's the one getting the million $ pay, not me. and yes, if it's a good workable plan, he should reward me with some honararium. :)
this principle of the plan is 4 folds:
1. stop speculation
2. free up oversize flat that later is irrelevant to the number of occupants especially aged owners who children would ve by then left the roost.
3.provide a suitable sized hdb flats with shorter lease to the aged owners and free up the money tied by his original bigger flats. he now has a roof over him and money to see him through his twilight years.
4. refund what money accrued from Senior-folks-flats (SFF) back to demised owner's family or children.
with that hdb would have successfully done its part instead of turning subsidised gov flats into a greed instrument causing so much undue stress and anxiety to all singaoreans.
why does gov clueless to bring down prices? they can if they want and they don't if they want too. let's talk about the don'ts.
hdb prices are like a pandora box. once opened, it's very difficult to close and hdb prices go haywire to absolute craze and frenziness. those who ve bought greed for it to go higher; those who haven't pray for it to drop or at least stablise and halt at the last price.
so there u have it: the gov is CLUELESS to resolve the problem which it didn't nip in the beginning. if they stop the prices from rising, new owners of exorbitant pigeonholes shall definitely be unhappy and they shall make lots of noise. conversely, leaving the prices to run wild (or is it the gov behind fanning the madness?), those who haven't owned a pigeonhole - the new generation planning for a new family of their own - are put into a dilemma.
then what happen to all our cpfs? are the life savings still there when twilight years are reached? NO! absolutely not!! what's there is an overpriced "subsidised" gov pigeonhole which price is getting higher but size is getting smaller.
million dollars paid minister seems clueless. well, perhaps my suggestion may come in handy.
once a family bought a flat and after staying some years decide to
sell, the only buyer would be buying back is the gov. then the gov resells it adding a nominal processing and legal fees. no obscene profits involved, hence no more speculation and easy money made. of course, such would only be restricted to purely singaporeans. no PRs'entitlements to such non-profitable transaction.
most of our cpf money would still be tied down by the pigeonhole. here's a simple solution.
gov should build smaller and cheaper flats for home owners to consider when they age. example: if mr A now at 36yo sets up family with 2 kids and 20 or 30 yrs later, his kids would ve grown, married and resettled in newly hdbs or remain single or most probably mr A would be left living with his wife. if he is living in a 5 or 4 rooms flats, by then, the flat would be too excessive to him. he could consider an exchange program with hdb. he sells his flats to hdb, get back the money he used from cpfs and buy a smaller "senior-folk-flats" from hdb. SFF unit would be smaller and much cheaper with shorter lease of say, 30yrs. hdb deducts the amount from the sale price, refund mr A who would then be financially independent with the cpf money to live on.
in the event of both couple passed on, the SFF should be resold to HDB to be recycled to the next qualified senior folks. the money derived from SFF should then be refund to the children of the demised mr A.
this could probably also solve the greying problem of singapore and put a full stop to crazy hdb flats speculation. of course, the finer details, the minister would ve to work it out. he's the one getting the million $ pay, not me. and yes, if it's a good workable plan, he should reward me with some honararium. :)
this principle of the plan is 4 folds:
1. stop speculation
2. free up oversize flat that later is irrelevant to the number of occupants especially aged owners who children would ve by then left the roost.
3.provide a suitable sized hdb flats with shorter lease to the aged owners and free up the money tied by his original bigger flats. he now has a roof over him and money to see him through his twilight years.
4. refund what money accrued from Senior-folks-flats (SFF) back to demised owner's family or children.
with that hdb would have successfully done its part instead of turning subsidised gov flats into a greed instrument causing so much undue stress and anxiety to all singaoreans.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
cheaper to eat at restaurants than in hawker centres
better eat in restaurants now. they are cheaper cos prices are down. surprise, surprise!!
for example, ah yat is giving 50% discount on ALL dimsums, mon to sat. during sundays and public holidays, it's 40% discount. same goes for all their ala carte live seafood.
for example their char siew paos, 3 in a basket originally cost $3.80. after 50% discount, it was only less than $2! which means each pao is about less than 80c. cheaper or more expensive than hawker centres?? most of their dimsums were about this range.
last week was at ah yat's turf city. something very illogical happened. till now i still don't get the mathematical equation.
one live tien lor or the jap water snail costs $2.30 ea i.e, after discount. but if u order their special dishes during that day, a bowl of 10 tien lors cooked in soupy ginger and spring onions cost only $4.80. by algebra, it should be like $23! but it only cost $4.80!!
this is what i mean restaurant foods are getting cheaper but hawker foods are getting more expensive. what's the logic here? i also dunno.
i remember eating sri lankan crab not long ago at a hawker centre and was billed like $40. at ah yat's , they chose the live crab, show it to u and if u were satisfised cooked it to the flavor u want. i was recommended the cheesy pumpking crab. yummy!! it was delicious especailly the gravy. the crab was loaded with roes some more which was an added bonus. we ordered fried man tou to dip in the gravy and really cleaned up every shiok drop!
when the bill came, the cost of the cheesy pumpkin crab was only $19.80!! can u believe this price?? we only ordered one cos we were expecting the price might be about $60 but it was lesser than $20. my god!!
it was a value for money worth meal that i was just to glad to foot. of course there were other speciality we ordered like the alaskan long legged crap. simply yummy!! though a bit expensive $169, it was well -worth it!! then there was the peking duck, the braised abalone and etc....all well worth it!!
so what's wrong here? hawker prices are supposed to be very affordable and reasonable but after u order the food, u don't feel that it's value for money. serving shrinks, quality drops and the bloody prices escalated from $2 to $2.50 or even $3 or higher which is about at least 25% increase.
now our public transport. u wait for the bus, it like it's never going to cum. u enter a mrt cabin, it's like a stuff heat sardine can....and the bloody gov is definitely going to approve the fares increase.
rear ass lui who wayang in taking public transport, what would he do? cook up some bombastic reasoning with even more bombastic figures to endorse such increase. he's like voted in by the SMRT OR SBS but not the voters.
so u ask: what the hell are the mps and minitoots idiotic sgporeans voted in for?? for us or for the profiteering public listed companies with their obscene profits??
better eat in restaurants now. they are cheaper cos prices are down. surprise, surprise!!
for example, ah yat is giving 50% discount on ALL dimsums, mon to sat. during sundays and public holidays, it's 40% discount. same goes for all their ala carte live seafood.
for example their char siew paos, 3 in a basket originally cost $3.80. after 50% discount, it was only less than $2! which means each pao is about less than 80c. cheaper or more expensive than hawker centres?? most of their dimsums were about this range.
last week was at ah yat's turf city. something very illogical happened. till now i still don't get the mathematical equation.
one live tien lor or the jap water snail costs $2.30 ea i.e, after discount. but if u order their special dishes during that day, a bowl of 10 tien lors cooked in soupy ginger and spring onions cost only $4.80. by algebra, it should be like $23! but it only cost $4.80!!
this is what i mean restaurant foods are getting cheaper but hawker foods are getting more expensive. what's the logic here? i also dunno.
i remember eating sri lankan crab not long ago at a hawker centre and was billed like $40. at ah yat's , they chose the live crab, show it to u and if u were satisfised cooked it to the flavor u want. i was recommended the cheesy pumpking crab. yummy!! it was delicious especailly the gravy. the crab was loaded with roes some more which was an added bonus. we ordered fried man tou to dip in the gravy and really cleaned up every shiok drop!
when the bill came, the cost of the cheesy pumpkin crab was only $19.80!! can u believe this price?? we only ordered one cos we were expecting the price might be about $60 but it was lesser than $20. my god!!
it was a value for money worth meal that i was just to glad to foot. of course there were other speciality we ordered like the alaskan long legged crap. simply yummy!! though a bit expensive $169, it was well -worth it!! then there was the peking duck, the braised abalone and etc....all well worth it!!
so what's wrong here? hawker prices are supposed to be very affordable and reasonable but after u order the food, u don't feel that it's value for money. serving shrinks, quality drops and the bloody prices escalated from $2 to $2.50 or even $3 or higher which is about at least 25% increase.
now our public transport. u wait for the bus, it like it's never going to cum. u enter a mrt cabin, it's like a stuff heat sardine can....and the bloody gov is definitely going to approve the fares increase.
rear ass lui who wayang in taking public transport, what would he do? cook up some bombastic reasoning with even more bombastic figures to endorse such increase. he's like voted in by the SMRT OR SBS but not the voters.
so u ask: what the hell are the mps and minitoots idiotic sgporeans voted in for?? for us or for the profiteering public listed companies with their obscene profits??
Friday, June 24, 2011
the mrbrown show: the race for president
the mrbrown show: the race for president
there are 4 TANS running for PRESIDENT ELECTION. they are:
and #4 NAT TAN, the current president.
like what mrbrown's podcast satires the PE - it's just a decorative vase that does'nt make any difference whether there is or is no a president. with a pai-swee president, peesailand is just about at least $4M poorer.
there are 4 TANS running for PRESIDENT ELECTION. they are:
and #4 NAT TAN, the current president.
like what mrbrown's podcast satires the PE - it's just a decorative vase that does'nt make any difference whether there is or is no a president. with a pai-swee president, peesailand is just about at least $4M poorer.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
the happy nun who donated a kdney n all her money
the happy nun who donated a kdney n all her money
it's amazing this nun i met with my li'l brother leetahsar at a temple.
she was a rich man's daughter major in pschology with a phd and was a psychiatrist in IMH before she robed up as a full-time nun and now providing counselling FOC.
was told that her practising rate was then like $36 per minute charge. but now as a fulltime nun, it's all free of charge. her gentleness and affable nature allow her to untangle the bidding knots of troubled souls.
what makes her great was she was born as the only daughter of a very rich man who left her an inheritance of a few millions $. not only she donated all those away to help tsunami victims, she unconditionally donated too one of her kidneys.
such compassion is so rare!
though now she walks with a limp, she has no regret. when u look at her, she appears as a very happy nun - smiling, laughing, joking .....and ever so honest to answer ur problems.
she is truly a living bodhisattva!
without her million $ inheritance, without one kidney ...and bald without a strand of hair, this nun is living simple, satisfied and truly ABSOLUTELY happy!!
it's amazing this nun i met with my li'l brother leetahsar at a temple.
she was a rich man's daughter major in pschology with a phd and was a psychiatrist in IMH before she robed up as a full-time nun and now providing counselling FOC.
was told that her practising rate was then like $36 per minute charge. but now as a fulltime nun, it's all free of charge. her gentleness and affable nature allow her to untangle the bidding knots of troubled souls.
what makes her great was she was born as the only daughter of a very rich man who left her an inheritance of a few millions $. not only she donated all those away to help tsunami victims, she unconditionally donated too one of her kidneys.
such compassion is so rare!
though now she walks with a limp, she has no regret. when u look at her, she appears as a very happy nun - smiling, laughing, joking .....and ever so honest to answer ur problems.
she is truly a living bodhisattva!
without her million $ inheritance, without one kidney ...and bald without a strand of hair, this nun is living simple, satisfied and truly ABSOLUTELY happy!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
the happy journey of planting a seed......

the happy journey of planting a seed......
a few weeks ago, my son planted a sunflower seed into a pot. a few days later, it sprouted. he was thrilled and excited about it. enthusiastically, he would water it and stare at it as though creating a pschyic link to his pet sunflower baby.
very soon, his sunnyboy - that's what he named his pet sunflower - grew to be taller than he. i had never seen a happier boy than now. before that, he was couped with with either his nintendo or his pc games. now he was all focused at his gradually growing taller and taller SUNNYBOY.
one day, a bud formed. he was so thrill and beckoned me to look at it pointing gingerly. he watered it and added some bonemeal like what uncle leetahsar had taught him to.
in about another week, the SUNNYBOY burst forth his bud. it was a magnificent sight!! a big glowing sunflower that seemed to be radiating golden light!! everyone in the family was so happy just looking at happy SUNNYBOY.
again, like what uncle leetahsar told my boy: "observe the sunflower....it follows the sunlight and that's why it's called SUNFLOWER...." and boy!! my boy really paid lots of attention to it on the dot at every hour.
he was entralled and mesmerised with SUNNYBOY. it really did follow the light - from east to west glowing ever so happily and bright.
it was almost 2 weeks since SUNNYBOY bloomed. it attracted many kinds of friendly bees. i was amazed at the kinds of colorful bees but according to my li'l brother LTS, he said those were hoverflies. the black ones were the stingless small bees and the striped ones were the dunno-what-he-said bees.
very soon, the petals of SUNNYBOY began to shed. the big round petaless flower pad was droopy. and oh my god!!! we had rare visitors - a pair of small wild greenish paratkees which came to feed the sunflower seeds which were abundantly formed.
this time, my son was thrilled again and hid behind the curtain to steal some photoshot with his IPHONE at the pair of paratkees busily nibbling the sunflower seeds......
it was really priceless. a simple sunflower seed could bring so much joy to an innocent boy and to all those who had seen how glowingly happy SUNNYBOY displayed its glamour.
that my friends is the simple happiness and the priceless satisfaction derived from it.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
cute purple sexmobile for SALE

the sweet purple sexmobile

her clean beige innards
if leetahsar aided gohmengseng with his purple sexmobile... this
multi-functional purple sexy cute beauty is left with 3 mths lifeline. after that the gahmen would brutally rape, kill and scrap it. it's now being held ransom by gahmen for the price of $30k +. if i couldn't cough out that ransom money, they would butcher my poor sexy pie into a lump of waste iron.
would wanna adopt it for $25,600 cash?
her interiors:
solid sensurround and stereo sound system. play music machiam u were there in the concert LIVE!
matching beige cushion 7 seaters
crystal-liked hugh handle steering ROD
when reversing, she would yelp in hokkien
innards are multi-voiced effect. one of which is radiokar noises: pee por pee por...mata chia lai liao...pee por ...pee por.
if u stuck in behind roadhog, fear not. built-in special effect speaker allows u to shout expletives to the roadhog to give way.
all back seats could be reclined, withdrawn and turned into instant lovebed. hence, the name SEXMOBILE
complete with curtains for greatest privavy when humping begins. great suspension. no squeaking. only groaning, moaning and maybe suddenly yelping: YES...YES...OH GOD...YES!!
good huh? save u lots of money checking into expensive hotel. just think of the instant convenience when the horny bug strikes u!
so make an offer quick!
fixed price: $25,600. lst cum, lst served!
also available for rental on special occasion. negotiable price depending of activity or "activity".
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
the sincere words from a true humble gentleman...

how i wish many pap's mps could emulate george yeo and learn from his humility, graciousness and sincerity. although there is now a bigger but not necessary louder opposition voice in parliament, a true gentleman and a representative of the voters is lost through the unfair system of pap's own kiasu machinery of GRC. time to change, time to scrap GRC and return single member constituency to voters.
Press Statement by George Yeo on 10 May 2011 at MFA
Thank you for waiting a couple of days for me to rest before meeting you.
I would like to make some remarks before taking questions.
Aljunied voters have decided and I respect their decision. Having committed 23 years of service to the residents, it is only natural for me to feel disappointed but this is politics.
It has been my privilege to have served them all these years and they have enriched my life. They have also enabled me to serve in various capacities as a Cabinet Minister in MITA, Health, MTI and MFA for which I am grateful.
Why did we lose Aljunied?
Mr Low Thia Kiang himself said that they won Aljunied not because the Aljunied team did not do a good job, but because the voters wanted WP to be their voice in Parliament.
Mr Low’s analysis is fair and I agree with him. This desire for a strong WP voice in Parliament was a political tide which came in through Aljunied which we were unable to withstand despite our very best efforts. Right from the start, the Workers Party made Aljunied a national battleground.
The fight became one between a Workers Party voice in Parliament and an Aljunied team with two ministers, a potential Speaker of Parliament, a potential minister and a most effective Town Council chairman.
Though I wish the outcome had been different, Aljunied voters have made their choice.
Many of my supporters asked me to stay on to win back Aljunied in five years time. I wanted to level with them and told them last night that it is better for a younger person to take on this important task. I’m already 57 years old and would be 62 by then. Naturally I would help to ensure a smooth handover.
As we ended our campaign on 5 May, I talked about the importance of transforming the PAP. This is a belief I’ve held for some time. It was not something I felt I could say when the campaign started. But, as the campaign went on, as we heard the growing cry from the heart, I decided to make it plain. Like it or not, we are entering a new phase in Singapore’s political development. How we respond to it will decide Singapore’s destiny in the 21st century.
I would help in whatever way I can to bring about this transformation of the PAP. I wish I had a mandate from the people of Aljunied to be a strong advocate of such transformation. But I don’t.
As for remaining in public life, I will contribute in whatever modest way possible.
Many young people have stepped forward to help me in this campaign. Even more have cheered me on. It is not good that so many of them feel alienated from the Singapore they love. I look forward to continue working with them so that the Singapore we struggle for is the Singapore they feel is their own. As to the actual role I can play, I’ll be happy to respond to them. In the last few years, I have learnt much from my young friends. Often they led me rather than I led them.
A younger generation has been politicized in this GE.
Since the GE results came out, there has been a flood of support for me expressed personally, through friends and relatives, on email and, in an astonishing way, on Internet and FB. The words expressed are heartfelt. Many wrote me long passages, some in tears. I’m grateful for the kind and comforting words and the many good wishes. It will be an honour for me to be an advocate of their cause.
As for what I’ll do professionally after stepping down as Minister when the new Cabinet is sworn in, I’m not rushing to make a decision. My wife and I thought we should take our time to think this over. We also need a break to spend more time with the family.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the people of Singapore for the honour of serving them in the last 23 years.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
believe it or not, after wp gang went to watch THOR, the thunder god, ALJUNIED finally belongs to them.
lucky, the FLASH wasn't shown yet. if the pap see that, it could be a landslide victory to them. LOL!!
now we gotta wait for CAPTAIN AMERICA, GREEN LANTERN, SPIDERMAN 4 AND XMEN 4. dón't forget that IAMFOUR followups. there would be a IAM5, IAM6....until they run out of IAMSICKABOUTIT
green lantern should be very interesting to jaslyn go. she loves making her husband "green" like wearing green hat. chiatilik should see SPIDERMAN 4. with all his teetu c, he should start building an army of his gayboys once again to help him in the next GE, i.e, if he's running.
as for CAPTAIN AMERICAN, that's for goh meng seng. he should start losing weight cos his elder brother david had sadly been a fatal casualty of cardiac arrest. it's about time he looks after his health. capt AMERICAN should be his idol. if he achieves that kind of physique, TAMPINES gay and lesbos votes shall be his in the next GE run.
there u have it. each comic hero is affinated to each opp party. THOR's mighty weapon is the HAMMER and that in a way brought in the heavenly luck for WP which won 6 seats and now ascended to be sgp's more powderful opp party.
keep it up!
if there's a WONDER WOMAN, sylvia should date someone like my li'l brother leetahsar to watch it. avoid ramseth if she doesn't wish for abortion later.
believe it or not, after wp gang went to watch THOR, the thunder god, ALJUNIED finally belongs to them.
lucky, the FLASH wasn't shown yet. if the pap see that, it could be a landslide victory to them. LOL!!
now we gotta wait for CAPTAIN AMERICA, GREEN LANTERN, SPIDERMAN 4 AND XMEN 4. dón't forget that IAMFOUR followups. there would be a IAM5, IAM6....until they run out of IAMSICKABOUTIT
green lantern should be very interesting to jaslyn go. she loves making her husband "green" like wearing green hat. chiatilik should see SPIDERMAN 4. with all his teetu c, he should start building an army of his gayboys once again to help him in the next GE, i.e, if he's running.
as for CAPTAIN AMERICAN, that's for goh meng seng. he should start losing weight cos his elder brother david had sadly been a fatal casualty of cardiac arrest. it's about time he looks after his health. capt AMERICAN should be his idol. if he achieves that kind of physique, TAMPINES gay and lesbos votes shall be his in the next GE run.
there u have it. each comic hero is affinated to each opp party. THOR's mighty weapon is the HAMMER and that in a way brought in the heavenly luck for WP which won 6 seats and now ascended to be sgp's more powderful opp party.
keep it up!
if there's a WONDER WOMAN, sylvia should date someone like my li'l brother leetahsar to watch it. avoid ramseth if she doesn't wish for abortion later.
sex, lies and million $ pays
sex, lies and million $ pays
it has come to a conclusion that the real purpose of GRC is NOT ushering minority representatives into parliament. rather it's being abused now to intro pretty young cute mei meis such as TIN PEI LING in. can u understand what's the hardup on lau goh? could he been tired about peanutz and now needed little xiao long pao?
then look at the other adversed effect of GRC. many cute young sugar-candy geges also got ushered in. why like that one huh? we have super lollipops such as TEO SER LUCK who's face looks as blank as a drugged gang-raped victim. then the ever smiling baey ayam king. smiles are all he is best at. what else could voters expect from him? yep! insatiable droolings from lau aunties, uncles, mei meis and especailly the gays. somewhere in a gay site, both teo n baey rank on the top list in the gay's favorite choices.
the lies have been recently exposed as predicted by goh meng seng who mentioned in a tv interview: "what if michael palmer got elected? does GRC still necessary?" michael is by himself another cutie pie but he's a minority eurasion. he won. so that reasoning about sgporeans shunning minority candidates is a big fat LIE!!
sex....hmm. this is taboo. but looking at the likes of other so many young cuties, sex may rule!
above all things, definitely the MILLION DOLLAR$$ awaiting to fatten pockets of the more mellow ex-cuties like vivian, teo ser luck and that horribly ugly no-porn ass-shit lui.
there u have it folks, why GRC? it's all about SEX, LIES and million $ payouts. the minority representation and all those reasoning are just CRAPS! lau goh had done it with introduction and persistent defending of TPL. what more could it be clearer?
GRC now backfires against the paps. if the opp parties who had put up a spectacular performance should continue all their good groundworks.
if the opps keep up all their good works, their sincerity would eventually shine through. come 5 yrs later, u bet the sorry arses of the paps many of them shall be booted out!
Aljunied GRC had lost. obi good! the powderful georgie yeo had lost. ok, OBI THE VERY GOOD!! (he's a good man. shortie mah should be the one to go )
what does that tell us? and what does that tell the pap especially the dirty old man who plays tricks of mental intimidation such as REPENT FOR THE NEXT 5 YRS if u dun vote the pap?
yep!! obi obi good!! the pap and the dirty old man must be repenting now. pinky's strategic preGE sorry is now translated into a real SORRY. u think his dirty old man would admit that he's partly to be blamed? of course, not.
old man's tough old school politics is abusing all the instruments available to him such as ISD to shut up dissidents. if he could, he would even do a TIAN AN MEN here if there were more unexpected loses.
to all the aljunied GRC residents.
after sex, lies and million $ pays, what's going to be pulled out from the pap's evil of treats and tricks - mainly more tricks to be expected.
it has come to a conclusion that the real purpose of GRC is NOT ushering minority representatives into parliament. rather it's being abused now to intro pretty young cute mei meis such as TIN PEI LING in. can u understand what's the hardup on lau goh? could he been tired about peanutz and now needed little xiao long pao?
then look at the other adversed effect of GRC. many cute young sugar-candy geges also got ushered in. why like that one huh? we have super lollipops such as TEO SER LUCK who's face looks as blank as a drugged gang-raped victim. then the ever smiling baey ayam king. smiles are all he is best at. what else could voters expect from him? yep! insatiable droolings from lau aunties, uncles, mei meis and especailly the gays. somewhere in a gay site, both teo n baey rank on the top list in the gay's favorite choices.
the lies have been recently exposed as predicted by goh meng seng who mentioned in a tv interview: "what if michael palmer got elected? does GRC still necessary?" michael is by himself another cutie pie but he's a minority eurasion. he won. so that reasoning about sgporeans shunning minority candidates is a big fat LIE!!
sex....hmm. this is taboo. but looking at the likes of other so many young cuties, sex may rule!
above all things, definitely the MILLION DOLLAR$$ awaiting to fatten pockets of the more mellow ex-cuties like vivian, teo ser luck and that horribly ugly no-porn ass-shit lui.
there u have it folks, why GRC? it's all about SEX, LIES and million $ payouts. the minority representation and all those reasoning are just CRAPS! lau goh had done it with introduction and persistent defending of TPL. what more could it be clearer?
GRC now backfires against the paps. if the opp parties who had put up a spectacular performance should continue all their good groundworks.
if the opps keep up all their good works, their sincerity would eventually shine through. come 5 yrs later, u bet the sorry arses of the paps many of them shall be booted out!
Aljunied GRC had lost. obi good! the powderful georgie yeo had lost. ok, OBI THE VERY GOOD!! (he's a good man. shortie mah should be the one to go )
what does that tell us? and what does that tell the pap especially the dirty old man who plays tricks of mental intimidation such as REPENT FOR THE NEXT 5 YRS if u dun vote the pap?
yep!! obi obi good!! the pap and the dirty old man must be repenting now. pinky's strategic preGE sorry is now translated into a real SORRY. u think his dirty old man would admit that he's partly to be blamed? of course, not.
old man's tough old school politics is abusing all the instruments available to him such as ISD to shut up dissidents. if he could, he would even do a TIAN AN MEN here if there were more unexpected loses.
to all the aljunied GRC residents.
after sex, lies and million $ pays, what's going to be pulled out from the pap's evil of treats and tricks - mainly more tricks to be expected.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
During my visits to the hospital in Ah Yan's final days (Ah Yan being the endearing term that was used to address my paternal grandmother), she would hold my hand and wistfully plead that she doesn't want to live with the pain any more.
The life of a once... strong-willed, robust woman has wilted away in tears, anguish and misery. Despite my assurance that she's going to get better, Ah Yan didn't. When I promised her that I'll visit one evening, I decided to delay it till the next day as I was tied up with other commitments. The visiting can wait, I told myself.
The very next day, Ah Yan died- and because I was too caught up in work, I missed her by a few mere minutes. When I finally get to see her, she was wrapped in a shroud of crisp white linen from neck to toe. I held her hand one last time and had never felt more remorse and regret in my life.
I never spoke to mum and dad about what happened, but we talked about other things during the wake. Mum cautiously approached the topic of me wanting to go overseas for my education, and that how much she and dad has saved up. Despite being a failed grandson, I felt it was Ah Yan's blessing that propelled my parents to talk to me about my future.
Seven months later, I left Singapore with a small box of old coins in my luggage. Ah Yan wasn't very well-to-do and didn't leave much behind- except for the box of coins. But it was more than enough for me to survive three years of university life on unfamiliar shores. But the lingering regret of not being there where Ah Yan died alone never crept away.
There were so many "if only"s and "what if"s- but they will only remain hypothetical because I'll never get the chance to say goodbye to Ah Yan. The unfortunate thing is that regret isn't about something you can do to fix it- it's a done deal. And it was precisely the word 'regret'- in my opinion an immensely powerful word- that got me all riled up and forced me to look at the recent events in a different perspective.
The flashpoint: a young politician from the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) has declared that the biggest regret she ever had was not bringing her parents to a local theme park (when her folks are clearly still alive). But if there's still a chance for you to right a wrong- surely you cannot call that a regret. But the technicality and the inappropriate usage of the word is besides the point. What concerns me is that this young politician represents a part of the society which I find increasingly dominant.
These people appear in the form of members of parliament (MPs)- largely ignorant of the things that are taking shape in the lives of commoners like myself, and like to claim that they understand how we feel, when clearly, they don't. Simply walking among us doesn't mean any thing. By introducing energy saving light bulbs to a sea of people who are worried about where their next meal is from is hardly useful. By offering an anecdote about mushrooms and trees isn't going to solve the crippling transport system.
The governing party is at best defensive, condescending, arrogant that has blatantly asked the voters (the masters of the country, mind you)- to repent if they vote for the opposition.
The comic book V for Vendetta has correctly pointed out that '[p]eople should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people'. What we see today is the stark opposite.
I am surprised, if not saddened, that a much-respected elderly statesman has resorted to such deplorable threats and fear-mongering. Tell me why I should continue to support the ruling party when I still see elderly and frail seniors collecting used cardboards and cans while our ministers give themselves a huge pat on the back and get rewarded with huge paychecks.
Tell me why I should be grateful to our ex-Home Minister for stupidly placing a few smoking cars in the city so that he can turn around and accuse us of being complacent.
Tell me why I should support a minister who gives absurd reasons for banning bar-top dancing and use slime tactics against his opponents. Has he no credibility himself to speak of?
Tell me why I want to have a MP in the parliament who had infamously said that the reason for identifying 'White Horses' in the military is to prevent preferential treatment- then why even identify them in the first place?
Tell me why the ruling party are sending bus-loads of senior citizens and offering them cash and free food to their rallies when they clearly know these are despicable methods to drum up their embarrassingly low attendance. And the very same government that promises a fair and equitable election uses the state-controlled media to propagate poisonous and twisted half-truths.
After moving from being nation-centric to self-centric, the PAP today is a far cry from what it was fifty years ago. But there is hope for now. The voters now have an opportunity to turn the tide.
But whoever you choose on May 7, do not live to regret it, for we are at the turning point of our young nation and never before has so much been wagered on our country's future.
You can't unlike a government away after May 7.
After my grandfather died in the early 1950s, Ah Yan had made the conscious but difficult decision of bringing up five kids single-handedly in the then-tumultuous Singapore. She had never once complained about rooting herself in this country.
While she may not live fully to enjoy the fruits of the nation's success, it was clear that she wanted to leave all of that to her future generations. So don't let the country be hijacked by the overwhelming greed for more power and money that our founding fathers have so painstakingly warned us about.
Let May 7, 2011 be the day that you will not live to regret. Vote wisely.
By: Gavin Moey
During my visits to the hospital in Ah Yan's final days (Ah Yan being the endearing term that was used to address my paternal grandmother), she would hold my hand and wistfully plead that she doesn't want to live with the pain any more.
The life of a once... strong-willed, robust woman has wilted away in tears, anguish and misery. Despite my assurance that she's going to get better, Ah Yan didn't. When I promised her that I'll visit one evening, I decided to delay it till the next day as I was tied up with other commitments. The visiting can wait, I told myself.
The very next day, Ah Yan died- and because I was too caught up in work, I missed her by a few mere minutes. When I finally get to see her, she was wrapped in a shroud of crisp white linen from neck to toe. I held her hand one last time and had never felt more remorse and regret in my life.
I never spoke to mum and dad about what happened, but we talked about other things during the wake. Mum cautiously approached the topic of me wanting to go overseas for my education, and that how much she and dad has saved up. Despite being a failed grandson, I felt it was Ah Yan's blessing that propelled my parents to talk to me about my future.
Seven months later, I left Singapore with a small box of old coins in my luggage. Ah Yan wasn't very well-to-do and didn't leave much behind- except for the box of coins. But it was more than enough for me to survive three years of university life on unfamiliar shores. But the lingering regret of not being there where Ah Yan died alone never crept away.
There were so many "if only"s and "what if"s- but they will only remain hypothetical because I'll never get the chance to say goodbye to Ah Yan. The unfortunate thing is that regret isn't about something you can do to fix it- it's a done deal. And it was precisely the word 'regret'- in my opinion an immensely powerful word- that got me all riled up and forced me to look at the recent events in a different perspective.
The flashpoint: a young politician from the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) has declared that the biggest regret she ever had was not bringing her parents to a local theme park (when her folks are clearly still alive). But if there's still a chance for you to right a wrong- surely you cannot call that a regret. But the technicality and the inappropriate usage of the word is besides the point. What concerns me is that this young politician represents a part of the society which I find increasingly dominant.
These people appear in the form of members of parliament (MPs)- largely ignorant of the things that are taking shape in the lives of commoners like myself, and like to claim that they understand how we feel, when clearly, they don't. Simply walking among us doesn't mean any thing. By introducing energy saving light bulbs to a sea of people who are worried about where their next meal is from is hardly useful. By offering an anecdote about mushrooms and trees isn't going to solve the crippling transport system.
The governing party is at best defensive, condescending, arrogant that has blatantly asked the voters (the masters of the country, mind you)- to repent if they vote for the opposition.
The comic book V for Vendetta has correctly pointed out that '[p]eople should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people'. What we see today is the stark opposite.
I am surprised, if not saddened, that a much-respected elderly statesman has resorted to such deplorable threats and fear-mongering. Tell me why I should continue to support the ruling party when I still see elderly and frail seniors collecting used cardboards and cans while our ministers give themselves a huge pat on the back and get rewarded with huge paychecks.
Tell me why I should be grateful to our ex-Home Minister for stupidly placing a few smoking cars in the city so that he can turn around and accuse us of being complacent.
Tell me why I should support a minister who gives absurd reasons for banning bar-top dancing and use slime tactics against his opponents. Has he no credibility himself to speak of?
Tell me why I want to have a MP in the parliament who had infamously said that the reason for identifying 'White Horses' in the military is to prevent preferential treatment- then why even identify them in the first place?
Tell me why the ruling party are sending bus-loads of senior citizens and offering them cash and free food to their rallies when they clearly know these are despicable methods to drum up their embarrassingly low attendance. And the very same government that promises a fair and equitable election uses the state-controlled media to propagate poisonous and twisted half-truths.
After moving from being nation-centric to self-centric, the PAP today is a far cry from what it was fifty years ago. But there is hope for now. The voters now have an opportunity to turn the tide.
But whoever you choose on May 7, do not live to regret it, for we are at the turning point of our young nation and never before has so much been wagered on our country's future.
You can't unlike a government away after May 7.
After my grandfather died in the early 1950s, Ah Yan had made the conscious but difficult decision of bringing up five kids single-handedly in the then-tumultuous Singapore. She had never once complained about rooting herself in this country.
While she may not live fully to enjoy the fruits of the nation's success, it was clear that she wanted to leave all of that to her future generations. So don't let the country be hijacked by the overwhelming greed for more power and money that our founding fathers have so painstakingly warned us about.
Let May 7, 2011 be the day that you will not live to regret. Vote wisely.
By: Gavin Moey
Monday, May 2, 2011
leetahsar almost brought tears to Josephine buck-toothed yeo
what can i say about my li'l brother the abdominal LEETAHSAR?
LTS was sipping his teh-see siew dai (tea wtih cream n less sugar) at toa payoh hawker centre. buck-toothed josephine had to come and shake hand with him. it became a very interesting dialogue .....
josephine: Hi! nice to meet u. remember vote for pap! ( hand stretched to shake)
leetahsar: (reached out his hand to grab josephine)...can i ve 3 minutes of your time please?
J: sorry bz....(smiled with glistening colgate commercial buck-teeth)
LTS: (held on firmly to her hand) then why come shake hand with me...just by pass me or anyone would be ok. i just wanna pour my displeasure with the pap. so u pap guys aren't really interested lah?
J: (jialat liao and bo bian, smiled and sat down) ok i listen to your unhappiness for awhile.
LTS: u see...there are many old folks hanging around in hawker centres nowadays. many are not buying hawkers' food. some are eyeing at food leftover by others so that they could feast on it. some are counting their coins so that they know they ve enough for a bowl of noodle......
i m saddened. why are all these happening in my ward and many other places when the pap claims that they are looking after all these poor old folks?
J: but we do look after them.....
LTS: (snapping in) you do? then there shouldn't be all these poor old guys behaving like that. the fact that i m also angry at why pap doesn't control the rental of hawkers'stalls? why do they upgrade n then raise all the rentals? and worst, why do they allow the hawkers to sublet and then raise the rentals further to another sub-tenanted hawker. in the end, the bowl of noodle ends up very expensive cos we have to bear all those unreasonable rental costs. why...i really wanna know why aren't the mps looking into this and control the prices...or control the rents and also for the food prices? why is subletting allowed?
u look at some of those stalls there. so many closed. why? either they ve made enough or they are closed for good? why does this allowed to happen?
hawker centres were built to provide affordable food to residents. many just couldn't afford such foods any more. doesn't the pap have the decency to feel shameful that they have allowed such sorry state to happen and persist?
J: sorry uncle. those hiccups are not under our jurisdiction. they belong to NEA.
LTS: (temper brewing and almost shouted WTF!!) but u and the paps always boasted that u look after the poor and the needies, the aged and sick and blah ...blah. so that's not true isn't? u just passed the ball to another statboard...and if i were to go to that statboard, the ball would be passed to the next...and the next. ultimately, it's the pap's administration that is allowing such a irresponsiblity to be passed along like a musical chair.
J: not like that uncle....that's not very fair comment.
LTS: that's inconsequential...whether it's fair or not. the fact that such a sad sorry phenomenum is happening all over many hawker centres. doesn't the pap bear some responsibility that they are the CAUSE? they could easily control the rental, prevent subletting or even control the prices of food sold. if they legitimatise all food prices to be sold at say, $2.... half of the residents' unhappiness over expensive hawker foods would have been solved.
why doesn't the pap administration do that? why allow food prices in hawker centres to escalate like nobody's business? do u call that a "concerned and caring" gov? i doubt so.
J: that's not fair again the comment. we already have social welfare implemented to help the poor and the needies.
LTS: THAT'S INCONSEQUENTIAL AGAIN, MY DEAR.....(louder and sterner tone) pap likes to push the problem...push the blame....claim all the credits but when come to such basic, they are quite ignorant and almost done nothing much to bring down food prices. why is it like that? the miserable welfare dished out is really pathetic. have u tried before to survive on that miserable amount?
J: we have more important things and problems to deal with... and lacking in manpower....
LTS: ya, right! how much is ur mp's pay...and your regular job's pay? mp's i believe is about $14.5K and your regular monthly pay might be even more. so i believe u could engage maybe an assistant capable to help u solve all these pesky problems. u can spare a mere $3 or $4k to engage me....n i see i bring all the prices of all the hawker food down. of course i must be equipped with all the necessary jurisdiction and power to handle the rentals and fix all the irrational rules.
......and it went on and on. by the time, josephine buck-toothed knew it, she had already spent almost an hour talking to the super lo so LTS. she was quietly fuming. her face was blushed and if one looked carefully, she felt humiliated and almost close to tears.
LTS - u big fat idiot!! now why u go and bully such a sweet buck-toothed lady mp? LOL!!
LTS was sipping his teh-see siew dai (tea wtih cream n less sugar) at toa payoh hawker centre. buck-toothed josephine had to come and shake hand with him. it became a very interesting dialogue .....
josephine: Hi! nice to meet u. remember vote for pap! ( hand stretched to shake)
leetahsar: (reached out his hand to grab josephine)...can i ve 3 minutes of your time please?
J: sorry bz....(smiled with glistening colgate commercial buck-teeth)
LTS: (held on firmly to her hand) then why come shake hand with me...just by pass me or anyone would be ok. i just wanna pour my displeasure with the pap. so u pap guys aren't really interested lah?
J: (jialat liao and bo bian, smiled and sat down) ok i listen to your unhappiness for awhile.
LTS: u see...there are many old folks hanging around in hawker centres nowadays. many are not buying hawkers' food. some are eyeing at food leftover by others so that they could feast on it. some are counting their coins so that they know they ve enough for a bowl of noodle......
i m saddened. why are all these happening in my ward and many other places when the pap claims that they are looking after all these poor old folks?
J: but we do look after them.....
LTS: (snapping in) you do? then there shouldn't be all these poor old guys behaving like that. the fact that i m also angry at why pap doesn't control the rental of hawkers'stalls? why do they upgrade n then raise all the rentals? and worst, why do they allow the hawkers to sublet and then raise the rentals further to another sub-tenanted hawker. in the end, the bowl of noodle ends up very expensive cos we have to bear all those unreasonable rental costs. why...i really wanna know why aren't the mps looking into this and control the prices...or control the rents and also for the food prices? why is subletting allowed?
u look at some of those stalls there. so many closed. why? either they ve made enough or they are closed for good? why does this allowed to happen?
hawker centres were built to provide affordable food to residents. many just couldn't afford such foods any more. doesn't the pap have the decency to feel shameful that they have allowed such sorry state to happen and persist?
J: sorry uncle. those hiccups are not under our jurisdiction. they belong to NEA.
LTS: (temper brewing and almost shouted WTF!!) but u and the paps always boasted that u look after the poor and the needies, the aged and sick and blah ...blah. so that's not true isn't? u just passed the ball to another statboard...and if i were to go to that statboard, the ball would be passed to the next...and the next. ultimately, it's the pap's administration that is allowing such a irresponsiblity to be passed along like a musical chair.
J: not like that uncle....that's not very fair comment.
LTS: that's inconsequential...whether it's fair or not. the fact that such a sad sorry phenomenum is happening all over many hawker centres. doesn't the pap bear some responsibility that they are the CAUSE? they could easily control the rental, prevent subletting or even control the prices of food sold. if they legitimatise all food prices to be sold at say, $2.... half of the residents' unhappiness over expensive hawker foods would have been solved.
why doesn't the pap administration do that? why allow food prices in hawker centres to escalate like nobody's business? do u call that a "concerned and caring" gov? i doubt so.
J: that's not fair again the comment. we already have social welfare implemented to help the poor and the needies.
LTS: THAT'S INCONSEQUENTIAL AGAIN, MY DEAR.....(louder and sterner tone) pap likes to push the problem...push the blame....claim all the credits but when come to such basic, they are quite ignorant and almost done nothing much to bring down food prices. why is it like that? the miserable welfare dished out is really pathetic. have u tried before to survive on that miserable amount?
J: we have more important things and problems to deal with... and lacking in manpower....
LTS: ya, right! how much is ur mp's pay...and your regular job's pay? mp's i believe is about $14.5K and your regular monthly pay might be even more. so i believe u could engage maybe an assistant capable to help u solve all these pesky problems. u can spare a mere $3 or $4k to engage me....n i see i bring all the prices of all the hawker food down. of course i must be equipped with all the necessary jurisdiction and power to handle the rentals and fix all the irrational rules.
......and it went on and on. by the time, josephine buck-toothed knew it, she had already spent almost an hour talking to the super lo so LTS. she was quietly fuming. her face was blushed and if one looked carefully, she felt humiliated and almost close to tears.
LTS - u big fat idiot!! now why u go and bully such a sweet buck-toothed lady mp? LOL!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
spirits of GE
is there a good spirit floating around this GE ramble?
there isn't a good spirit. there are however many other spirits. the most notorious being the 2 evil spirits from the pap - KIASU gui and KIASI gui
to be honest, there isn't any GOOD SPIRIT. there are many vengeful spirits mainly enamanating fr the pap where many backdoor mps could be facing their graves soon. yep! asa la vista, baby!! u ve your thrill screwing peasants for 5 yrs. it's about time, u'll be put to rest...and rest in peace.
from lau goh, as usual his super bionic kaisu and kiasi spirit prevail. his pair of detestable spirits always foul the GE atmosphere. there the immortal spirit. piangzz!! gone was his wife. gone were his many kakis. and now even gone is SAI BABA...but this immortal spirit still remains.
when he remains means i shall be robbed off my rights to vote. yep!! ve waited like more than 20 yrs and was eagerly hoping i could vote. but NO!! so how long must i wait? he dies first or i go first? he dies, i may be able to vote. at last!! i go first means i shall complain to the KING OF HADES. i m a victim robbed by the immortal sinkie spirit of my rights to vote
now all his backdoors metrosexual mps who are just plain decorative vases materials, who promise to speak for voters...but what voters??? WE DON'T GET TO VOTE!! fuck you and fuck you dead!
now singaporeans maybe a gullible lot - a stupid foolish spirit who are easily appeased by angpows which are to be distributed soon. then what? in exchange for their precious sacred votes! what else?!!
once that LEEGALISED transaction is completed, the fates of ALL singaporeans are sealed or rather SCREWED for the next 5 long yrs. so after the GE, there sure to be many whinning, moaning and regretful spirits.
so where are the TRUE HEROIC SPIRIT in singapore? u wanna show it now by voting out the lording spirit that piss our livelihood, making many breathless and suffocating for irrational increases. they don't want us dead and stiff. they only want half of our spirit and keeping the other half alive for us so that everyone can slave to enrich their domination.
so it's NOW OR NEVER! show singapore, we are spirited. we truly want a lst class gov with lst class opposition in parliament to speak for us. we don't wanna choke. and surely we don't want to be screwed until we are half dead and under thier mercy.
oh no! not this. not the next!
so brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, let combine our tortured spirit and VOTE THE HELL OUT OF THE PAP! time to cast out the EVIL SPIRIT that lord over us for so long. time to paste our TALISMAN and exorcise all their nonsense once and for all!
that TALISMAN is our VOTE....and VOTE THE PAP OUT!! or there might NOT be another 2nd chance.
pap, prepare to say your ASA LA VISTA! we shall pray for you...and pray the hell out of you!
there isn't a good spirit. there are however many other spirits. the most notorious being the 2 evil spirits from the pap - KIASU gui and KIASI gui
to be honest, there isn't any GOOD SPIRIT. there are many vengeful spirits mainly enamanating fr the pap where many backdoor mps could be facing their graves soon. yep! asa la vista, baby!! u ve your thrill screwing peasants for 5 yrs. it's about time, u'll be put to rest...and rest in peace.
from lau goh, as usual his super bionic kaisu and kiasi spirit prevail. his pair of detestable spirits always foul the GE atmosphere. there the immortal spirit. piangzz!! gone was his wife. gone were his many kakis. and now even gone is SAI BABA...but this immortal spirit still remains.
when he remains means i shall be robbed off my rights to vote. yep!! ve waited like more than 20 yrs and was eagerly hoping i could vote. but NO!! so how long must i wait? he dies first or i go first? he dies, i may be able to vote. at last!! i go first means i shall complain to the KING OF HADES. i m a victim robbed by the immortal sinkie spirit of my rights to vote
now all his backdoors metrosexual mps who are just plain decorative vases materials, who promise to speak for voters...but what voters??? WE DON'T GET TO VOTE!! fuck you and fuck you dead!
now singaporeans maybe a gullible lot - a stupid foolish spirit who are easily appeased by angpows which are to be distributed soon. then what? in exchange for their precious sacred votes! what else?!!
once that LEEGALISED transaction is completed, the fates of ALL singaporeans are sealed or rather SCREWED for the next 5 long yrs. so after the GE, there sure to be many whinning, moaning and regretful spirits.
so where are the TRUE HEROIC SPIRIT in singapore? u wanna show it now by voting out the lording spirit that piss our livelihood, making many breathless and suffocating for irrational increases. they don't want us dead and stiff. they only want half of our spirit and keeping the other half alive for us so that everyone can slave to enrich their domination.
so it's NOW OR NEVER! show singapore, we are spirited. we truly want a lst class gov with lst class opposition in parliament to speak for us. we don't wanna choke. and surely we don't want to be screwed until we are half dead and under thier mercy.
oh no! not this. not the next!
so brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, let combine our tortured spirit and VOTE THE HELL OUT OF THE PAP! time to cast out the EVIL SPIRIT that lord over us for so long. time to paste our TALISMAN and exorcise all their nonsense once and for all!
that TALISMAN is our VOTE....and VOTE THE PAP OUT!! or there might NOT be another 2nd chance.
pap, prepare to say your ASA LA VISTA! we shall pray for you...and pray the hell out of you!
passing of SAI BABA
he predicted himself to be able to live past 96. but he was dead at the age of 84.
PUTTAPARTHI (India) - INDIAN spiritual leader Sai Baba, one of the country's most famous gurus, died in hospital on Sunday, triggering an outpouring of grief from devotees around the world.
He was 85 and succumbed to heart problems, his doctors said in a statement, after being in critical condition for more than three weeks.
Thousands of Hindu followers massed at the Institute of Higher Medical Sciences hospital where Sai Baba was being treated in his hometown of Puttaparthi, in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. Police used barriers to hold back mourning crowds, and appealed for public calm after the death was announced.
'Sai Baba is no more with us physically. He breathed his last at 7.40 am and died due to cardio-respiratory failure,' the hospital statement said. 'His body will be kept for public worship for two days on Monday and Tuesday.' Devotees congregated in the town over recent weeks to hold special prayers asking for a miracle to allow Sathya Sai Baba - as he was properly known - to recover.
He was credited by millions of followers around the world with having supernatural powers, including an ability to conjure objects out of thin air, remember past lives and cure terminal diseases.
He counted former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, judges, actors, generals and other politicians as devotees, as well as Indian cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar and Hollywood star Goldie Hawn. Sai Baba claimed to be the reincarnation of a former holy man, Sai Baba of Shirdi, who died in 1918. -- AFP
PUTTAPARTHI (India) - INDIAN spiritual leader Sai Baba, one of the country's most famous gurus, died in hospital on Sunday, triggering an outpouring of grief from devotees around the world.
He was 85 and succumbed to heart problems, his doctors said in a statement, after being in critical condition for more than three weeks.
Thousands of Hindu followers massed at the Institute of Higher Medical Sciences hospital where Sai Baba was being treated in his hometown of Puttaparthi, in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. Police used barriers to hold back mourning crowds, and appealed for public calm after the death was announced.
'Sai Baba is no more with us physically. He breathed his last at 7.40 am and died due to cardio-respiratory failure,' the hospital statement said. 'His body will be kept for public worship for two days on Monday and Tuesday.' Devotees congregated in the town over recent weeks to hold special prayers asking for a miracle to allow Sathya Sai Baba - as he was properly known - to recover.
He was credited by millions of followers around the world with having supernatural powers, including an ability to conjure objects out of thin air, remember past lives and cure terminal diseases.
He counted former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, judges, actors, generals and other politicians as devotees, as well as Indian cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar and Hollywood star Goldie Hawn. Sai Baba claimed to be the reincarnation of a former holy man, Sai Baba of Shirdi, who died in 1918. -- AFP
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
better dead than alive :(
my poor auntie was directly forced to death by NTUC which robbed her of her meagre living of selling provisions in the market.
before the appearance of NTUC supermart just next to the market, she was doing pretty well. later NTUC came in and her biz was all downhill.
poor auntie was ever so worry for her livelihood. she had to support two sub-normal middle-aged boys who helped out in her market stall. things just went from bad to worst. her goods could't compete with those fr the nearby NTUC supermart.
every month, she would incur a small loss. in the end, hdb advised her to give up her stall and compensated her some money. without her stall which was part of her life, she was saddened disillusioned and erratic thoughts began to run wild.
one day, she just fainted. the neighbours called for an ambulance and sent her to the hospital emergency. she was put in intensive care. when she awoke. she had became a "zombie". her expression was totally blank. she would just stare and quietly lied on the bed with feeding and breathing tubes connected into her nostrils.
how could such a sad tragic state be happening to my poor, kind and once cheerful widowed auntie who was once full of life and a jovious person??
when mum and some of the lady cousins visited auntie in the ward, they couldn't help it. they wept profusely and kept calling her name but to no avail. she just stared blankly......
i was there too and almost close to tears. i held her hands and stroke her forehead hoping she could respond. yes, she responded!! she gripped my hand tightly and tears was flowing down her eyes.
it was a torturous and heart-wrenching moment for me and all those who were present. my poor auntie was now just a empty human shell. her once cheerful and chatty spirit had left her. she just stared.....staring blankly...
last week she passed away in her sleep. it could be a blessing for her that she was now in eternal peace.
the relatives now doing her funeral rites. they ordered big paper houses incorporated with paper maids and even security guards which were to be burned as offering to my demised auntie. along with it, they burned paper casket of "gold and silver", paper mercz and all the peper luxuries that she never get to enjoy when she was alive. all she did when she was living was to work very hard and long hours to get enough money to support her 2 retarded sons.
poor auntie!! how could life be so harsh and merciless to you? i asked myself. i asked heaven.....the only thing i could do for her now was to chant some sutras hoping that if ever she would be reincarnated as human, may she lead a better and happier well-deserved life.
for now, it appears that she is better dead than alive - she is living in big paper houses and all the paper luxuries the relatives had bought and burnt to her.
emptiness is form....form is emptiness.
my aunt was a very decent and hardworking selfless lady. once her provision business was thriving and she would work through every chinese new year eve. i remember during chinese new year, she would visit grandma and my mum who was her sister and gave tins of abalones. her ang pows used to be the biggest. and now she died as a desolated woman at the age of 81.
and hallelujah!! 8118 just came out lst prize. auntie sure blessed my mum and the rest of the relatives who striked lst prize!! guess there would be another burning offering soon.
it seem that in sgp it would be better off dead than alive. at least when dead, paper bungalow and all the paper luxuries would be offered and burnt. whether there is an afterlife and the dead receives all those offerings is another matter. it's all the forms that are created to pacify the sentiments of the living.
and yes auntie, i strike too
before the appearance of NTUC supermart just next to the market, she was doing pretty well. later NTUC came in and her biz was all downhill.
poor auntie was ever so worry for her livelihood. she had to support two sub-normal middle-aged boys who helped out in her market stall. things just went from bad to worst. her goods could't compete with those fr the nearby NTUC supermart.
every month, she would incur a small loss. in the end, hdb advised her to give up her stall and compensated her some money. without her stall which was part of her life, she was saddened disillusioned and erratic thoughts began to run wild.
one day, she just fainted. the neighbours called for an ambulance and sent her to the hospital emergency. she was put in intensive care. when she awoke. she had became a "zombie". her expression was totally blank. she would just stare and quietly lied on the bed with feeding and breathing tubes connected into her nostrils.
how could such a sad tragic state be happening to my poor, kind and once cheerful widowed auntie who was once full of life and a jovious person??
when mum and some of the lady cousins visited auntie in the ward, they couldn't help it. they wept profusely and kept calling her name but to no avail. she just stared blankly......
i was there too and almost close to tears. i held her hands and stroke her forehead hoping she could respond. yes, she responded!! she gripped my hand tightly and tears was flowing down her eyes.
it was a torturous and heart-wrenching moment for me and all those who were present. my poor auntie was now just a empty human shell. her once cheerful and chatty spirit had left her. she just stared.....staring blankly...
last week she passed away in her sleep. it could be a blessing for her that she was now in eternal peace.
the relatives now doing her funeral rites. they ordered big paper houses incorporated with paper maids and even security guards which were to be burned as offering to my demised auntie. along with it, they burned paper casket of "gold and silver", paper mercz and all the peper luxuries that she never get to enjoy when she was alive. all she did when she was living was to work very hard and long hours to get enough money to support her 2 retarded sons.
poor auntie!! how could life be so harsh and merciless to you? i asked myself. i asked heaven.....the only thing i could do for her now was to chant some sutras hoping that if ever she would be reincarnated as human, may she lead a better and happier well-deserved life.
for now, it appears that she is better dead than alive - she is living in big paper houses and all the paper luxuries the relatives had bought and burnt to her.
emptiness is form....form is emptiness.
my aunt was a very decent and hardworking selfless lady. once her provision business was thriving and she would work through every chinese new year eve. i remember during chinese new year, she would visit grandma and my mum who was her sister and gave tins of abalones. her ang pows used to be the biggest. and now she died as a desolated woman at the age of 81.
and hallelujah!! 8118 just came out lst prize. auntie sure blessed my mum and the rest of the relatives who striked lst prize!! guess there would be another burning offering soon.
it seem that in sgp it would be better off dead than alive. at least when dead, paper bungalow and all the paper luxuries would be offered and burnt. whether there is an afterlife and the dead receives all those offerings is another matter. it's all the forms that are created to pacify the sentiments of the living.
and yes auntie, i strike too
Friday, April 1, 2011
the mrbrown show: election day
did the paps machinery deprive most singaporeans the rights to vote OR there isn't any authentic opposition opponents to challenge the paps? why then the need for GRCs even though paps has already a winning streak? paps could be the origin and mother of KIASUISM & KIASEEISM unigue to singapore :( would i be able to exercise my rights to vote this GE or another walkover?? :(( I WANT TO VOTE, PLEASE!!
did the paps machinery deprive most singaporeans the rights to vote OR there isn't any authentic opposition opponents to challenge the paps? why then the need for GRCs even though paps has already a winning streak? paps could be the origin and mother of KIASUISM & KIASEEISM unigue to singapore :( would i be able to exercise my rights to vote this GE or another walkover?? :(( I WANT TO VOTE, PLEASE!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
take mrt, can c
c is not the alphabet here. it's hokkien for die. taking the mrt now really can c or die. it's so infuriating and unpleasant and a total contradiction to SMRT's "have a pleasant journey..."
nothing's pleasant taking mrt now. from the control station, the ticket vending machines, through the gates and waiting for mrt to the destination, it's usually quite unpleasant.
if u ve any query, the control station staffs are the grumpiest fuck-faced anyone would love to avoid. cold, unsmiling, unfriendly. they give u a "hey, why don't u F off" kind of feeling. the caveman's version of ticket vending machine pisses u when u r trying to buy a ticket and pisses u again when on reaching your destination u need to recover that $1 coin from the ticket deposit. it's such time waster!
the escalators break down very often and the lift jammed pack. when the trains come, it would be sardine-packed. last time, it occurred only during peak hours. now it seems that that's the standard norm.
does service in smrt improve? no. at least not what i m experiencing but the fares keep going up. there's no where and no other choices for the commuters. we are like herds hurdled into the slaughterhouse.
taking mrt now really can c (die). perhaps some might just drop dead from the stress just by boarding and alighting the mrt or worst develop serious chronic sickness later in life for the daily unpleasant routine.
nothing's pleasant taking mrt now. from the control station, the ticket vending machines, through the gates and waiting for mrt to the destination, it's usually quite unpleasant.
if u ve any query, the control station staffs are the grumpiest fuck-faced anyone would love to avoid. cold, unsmiling, unfriendly. they give u a "hey, why don't u F off" kind of feeling. the caveman's version of ticket vending machine pisses u when u r trying to buy a ticket and pisses u again when on reaching your destination u need to recover that $1 coin from the ticket deposit. it's such time waster!
the escalators break down very often and the lift jammed pack. when the trains come, it would be sardine-packed. last time, it occurred only during peak hours. now it seems that that's the standard norm.
does service in smrt improve? no. at least not what i m experiencing but the fares keep going up. there's no where and no other choices for the commuters. we are like herds hurdled into the slaughterhouse.
taking mrt now really can c (die). perhaps some might just drop dead from the stress just by boarding and alighting the mrt or worst develop serious chronic sickness later in life for the daily unpleasant routine.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
pap's CNY angpows, sharkfin, silver coin....
there was a very big event at the INDIAN GLOBAL SCHOOL in mei chin rd today. baey yam keng was giving all the senior citizens in queenstown a cny treat.
anyone above 50 was invited. unlike SDP, it was free.
initially thought it was just a simple yusheng tossing affair, but no! it was a 10 course meals! it began with the yusheng or raw fish tossing - traditional of cny celebration. instead of raw fish, strips of abalone was substituted. no kidding! abalone.
the next dish was sharksfin, again with abalone strips, craps - i mean shredded crabs and etc. then followed by louhan chai or a vegetarian dish. surprise again! it wasn't any cheapskate simple vegetarian dish but one that contained fa cai or the hair-liked black moss which was quite expensive. it wasn't done yet. emperor chicken in herbal soup was next. then seabass in spicy assam gravy. then abalone and spinach. yep! u heard it right!! ABALONE again!
it wasn't really top quality abalone but a very much cheaper version which u could buy fr the market at about $8 for one big piece. looked like abalone. tasted like abalone, closely related to abalone (?)...but definitely NOT the authentic abalone.
didn't stay until the end cos the heat was really killing me! left the place with a door gift good bag which had 1 commenmorative RABBIT silver coin, 2 mandarins and a notice to register for free health screening. needed to be excused cos baey yam keng was going to every table to distribute ang pows and it wasn't a misery angpow. it contained $10.
was ushered to a counter to register for FREE PASSION CARD.
and there u have it. 10 course meal, silver coin, angpow, free PASSION CARD and lots of stage amatuerist entertainment to celebrate CNY.
what was my impression for the entire affair?
hmm.....VOTE BUYING. GE is nearing and lau lee, the mother hen might not be around to back his little chicks.
while munching the food and slurping the yummy sharksfin, i couldn't help thinking about opp parties. how could they outdo the pap? it was a massive event and there seemed to be no lacking in manpower. there were the volunteer entertainers who were mostly PRC-converted sgporeans. they danced, they mcee, sang and even did acrobatic stunts.
though not really stage quality standard but it was still passable. later a bunch of aunties went up to croak their TIAN MI MI. my god!! i nearly choked on my sharksfin! at least mp was usually gracious enough to bear and grimace grotesquely along with those old croakers.
there were many ??? question marks that curiously intrigued me. who were paying for all those? the humongous tent which housed so many senior residents was amazingly spartacus! then there were the food, the door gifts and what about $10 for an estimated 3000 guests. (that was what i overheard from some uncle.) ok. 2999. i skipped the angpow cos i won't be voting for pap.
seriously, how are the opp parties going to counteract such generous public relation activites which the paps are going out all strength to push for votes?
anyone above 50 was invited. unlike SDP, it was free.
initially thought it was just a simple yusheng tossing affair, but no! it was a 10 course meals! it began with the yusheng or raw fish tossing - traditional of cny celebration. instead of raw fish, strips of abalone was substituted. no kidding! abalone.
the next dish was sharksfin, again with abalone strips, craps - i mean shredded crabs and etc. then followed by louhan chai or a vegetarian dish. surprise again! it wasn't any cheapskate simple vegetarian dish but one that contained fa cai or the hair-liked black moss which was quite expensive. it wasn't done yet. emperor chicken in herbal soup was next. then seabass in spicy assam gravy. then abalone and spinach. yep! u heard it right!! ABALONE again!
it wasn't really top quality abalone but a very much cheaper version which u could buy fr the market at about $8 for one big piece. looked like abalone. tasted like abalone, closely related to abalone (?)...but definitely NOT the authentic abalone.
didn't stay until the end cos the heat was really killing me! left the place with a door gift good bag which had 1 commenmorative RABBIT silver coin, 2 mandarins and a notice to register for free health screening. needed to be excused cos baey yam keng was going to every table to distribute ang pows and it wasn't a misery angpow. it contained $10.
was ushered to a counter to register for FREE PASSION CARD.
and there u have it. 10 course meal, silver coin, angpow, free PASSION CARD and lots of stage amatuerist entertainment to celebrate CNY.
what was my impression for the entire affair?
hmm.....VOTE BUYING. GE is nearing and lau lee, the mother hen might not be around to back his little chicks.
while munching the food and slurping the yummy sharksfin, i couldn't help thinking about opp parties. how could they outdo the pap? it was a massive event and there seemed to be no lacking in manpower. there were the volunteer entertainers who were mostly PRC-converted sgporeans. they danced, they mcee, sang and even did acrobatic stunts.
though not really stage quality standard but it was still passable. later a bunch of aunties went up to croak their TIAN MI MI. my god!! i nearly choked on my sharksfin! at least mp was usually gracious enough to bear and grimace grotesquely along with those old croakers.
there were many ??? question marks that curiously intrigued me. who were paying for all those? the humongous tent which housed so many senior residents was amazingly spartacus! then there were the food, the door gifts and what about $10 for an estimated 3000 guests. (that was what i overheard from some uncle.) ok. 2999. i skipped the angpow cos i won't be voting for pap.
seriously, how are the opp parties going to counteract such generous public relation activites which the paps are going out all strength to push for votes?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
the abuse of mei ling
poor mei ling! the once a simple hawker centre which pride itself for selling good honest to goodness hawker foods is no longer that innocent.
after the upgrading of this airy spacious h c, many of the pioneer hawkers decided to call it quit. they took their meagre monetary compensation and vacated their stalls. hence, that was the end of their honest to goodness inexpensive food.
baey yam keng had promised "better business" in a makeover mei ling. there was a lift and a pair of escalators. that is good. and there is the terribly increase in rental and super hike in conservancy fee. now that's terribly bad!!
all food prices go up! that's worst! and the final stab into mei ling's heart: there are lesser patronage. die! what baey bragged about before the upgrading is going the reversal.
now our poor makeover mei ling is more deserted than before. more stalls are closed or some even give up. they refrain from doing business as there is no business enough to tide over the day's expenses and overhead. so opening for business mean incurring more losses.
now what? mei ling is lamenting everyday: "where are my old customers? where are the more new customers i was promised??"
mei ling hc is waiting for more stallholders to close. lunch time. the old soyabean drink stall uncle who is one of the pioneer hawkers laments. he even stops selling his superduper black sesame paste or his tao suan. why? not enough customers. his desserts were once a daily sold out at a honest to goodness 80c a bowl. but now all his good stuffs end up in the longkang! so he stops selling but laments.
some of the stalls that u may see now would be bankrupt when u come again say in a couple of months time. new stalls would take over...new stalls close and newer stalls could replace.
what's happening to our poor mei ling? a better fengshui was promised but it seems to be more cursed now than before.
the answer lies in the rental.
baey has done a good job to upgrade mei ling. what he has fatally left out is he didn't fight to maintain the rentals, the conservancy charges and some advertisement to promote a prettier mei ling.
in fact, i would dare say, baey is slowing killing mei ling. poor mei ling! when would she ever shines through?
after the upgrading of this airy spacious h c, many of the pioneer hawkers decided to call it quit. they took their meagre monetary compensation and vacated their stalls. hence, that was the end of their honest to goodness inexpensive food.
baey yam keng had promised "better business" in a makeover mei ling. there was a lift and a pair of escalators. that is good. and there is the terribly increase in rental and super hike in conservancy fee. now that's terribly bad!!
all food prices go up! that's worst! and the final stab into mei ling's heart: there are lesser patronage. die! what baey bragged about before the upgrading is going the reversal.
now our poor makeover mei ling is more deserted than before. more stalls are closed or some even give up. they refrain from doing business as there is no business enough to tide over the day's expenses and overhead. so opening for business mean incurring more losses.
now what? mei ling is lamenting everyday: "where are my old customers? where are the more new customers i was promised??"
mei ling hc is waiting for more stallholders to close. lunch time. the old soyabean drink stall uncle who is one of the pioneer hawkers laments. he even stops selling his superduper black sesame paste or his tao suan. why? not enough customers. his desserts were once a daily sold out at a honest to goodness 80c a bowl. but now all his good stuffs end up in the longkang! so he stops selling but laments.
some of the stalls that u may see now would be bankrupt when u come again say in a couple of months time. new stalls would take over...new stalls close and newer stalls could replace.
what's happening to our poor mei ling? a better fengshui was promised but it seems to be more cursed now than before.
the answer lies in the rental.
baey has done a good job to upgrade mei ling. what he has fatally left out is he didn't fight to maintain the rentals, the conservancy charges and some advertisement to promote a prettier mei ling.
in fact, i would dare say, baey is slowing killing mei ling. poor mei ling! when would she ever shines through?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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